Crafting Art in 8kB - 'The Sheep and the Flower'

Crafting Art in 8kB - 'The Sheep and the Flower'

Last month, I published an article about a demoscene production that I released last year. The article starts with:

In November 2022, we set ourselves a challenge: make a real-time animation that looks like a standard short animated movie, with the constraint that it should fit in 8 kilobytes. The goal was to have decent graphics, animations, direction and camera work, and the matching music… Yes, 8 kilobytes, less than half of this post, for everything. It wasn’t clear how much was actually feasible, so we had to try it. In April 2023, after months of work, we finally released The Sheep and the Flower.

If this triggers your curiosity and haven’t read it before, you can read the full article with technical details and explanations about the design constraints.

I always like reading about the technical details of other demoscene productions. I believe they can be relevant to many technically-inclined people, even if they don’t know much about the demoscene. It can also help spectators better appreciate the work behind a work.

As it happened with some other articles I wrote, this one got a nice exposure on HackerNews and other websites. The number of YouTube views jumped from 1400 to 40,000. The positive feedback serves as a good reminder that many people value demoscene productions, even if they’re not part of the demoscene community. So this kind of article is effective to get more outreach.

In other exciting news, I recently learned that "The Sheep and the Flower" has been nominated for the Meteoriks awards. The Meteoriks are an award to honor the best demoscene productions of the previous year. The nomination is in the category “best high-end intro” (basically, this includes anything less than 64kB on a modern PC) — and it is the first time my work receives this nomination.

I’d recommend anyone curious about the demoscene to take a look at the other nominees.
